“And one whose social experiences do not reprise any of mine.” “It seemed somewhat audacious, to be honest, for me, a now-73-year-old male to be writing about a female 40 years younger,” Turow says. There was one obstacle Turow had to convince himself he could overcome, he says. “Just because it seemed really Pinky-ish, to me, to become convinced that guy next door was a hitman or in witness protection.” Stepping into new shoes Of course, Pinky being Pinky, she takes on an extracurricular investigation over the objections of Rik and grandfather Sandy after she becomes convinced that the mysterious and attractive new tenant in the apartment next to hers is up to something. The chief, Rik and, particularly, Pinky, are convinced it’s a set-up, a revenge plot cooked up by The Ritz, a crooked cop-turned-corrupt businessman known as The Ritz. In it, she’s working for defense attorney Rik Dudek, who is representing Police Chief Lucia Gomez against charges that she coerced three officers into having sex with her in exchange for their promotions.

“And I thought, ‘Well maybe that young woman should have a book of her own.”